

Widya Kartika University

2014 - 2018
Electrical Enginering

In addition to studying electrical components and microcontrollers on this school, I also studied IOT for agriculture.

Prisma Profesional Surabaya

2012 - 2014
Software Enginering

I gained expertise in software development at this educational facility, studied the PHP programming language and the codeigniter framework, and created various applications using native PHP and the codeigniter framework.

Vocational High School

2009 - 2012
Computer and Network Enginering

At this school, I received training in internet networking, Linux server setup, network topology, LAN and WAN network installation, and computer hardware and software repair skills in addition to network expertise.


Fullstack Developer

2014 - Present
Perian Innovation
Technology [Laravel, Javascript, TailwindCss, MySql, Angular, NextJs, NestJs]

Fullstack Developer

2021 - Present
Legacy FA Pte. Ltd
Technology [Laravel, Javascript, TailwindCss, MySql, Angular, NextJs, NestJs]
Full Time

Fullstack Developer

2016 - 2021
Surabaya Government
Technology [Laravel, Symfony, Javascript, Bootstrap, Postgressql]

My Skills

Symfony Framework 70%

AngularJs 80%

NextJs 70%

TailwindCss 80%

Codeigniter 90%

Laravel 90%